Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and Practical Philosophy (Jun 2009)
Aristotélisme et christologie au XIII-ème siècle. Le problème du corps du Christ dans les derniers écrits de saint Thomas d’Aquin
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the problem of the relationship between Aristotelianism and Christology in the XIII-th century, as it appears through the famous problem of the body of Christ dead. This problem, which divided the Latin theologians and which St. Thomas Aquinas will try to find a final answer turns out to be very suggestive for the question of the relationship between the Greek philosophy and the so-called Thomistic synthesis. The article offers an analysis of the latest works of St.Thomas (Quodlibet III and IV and the 50-th question of Part III of the Summa Theologiae) in which the theologian tries to reconcile the requirements of hylomorphism with Christian dogma. The article offers also a critical interpretation of these solutions, as well as some remarks on the possibility and limits of dialogue between the Greek philosophy and the foolishness of the cross.