Scientific Reports (Apr 2022)
3D isotope density measurements by energy-resolved neutron imaging
Abstract Tools for three-dimensional elemental characterization are available on length scales ranging from individual atoms, using electrons as a probe, to micrometers with X-rays. However, for larger volumes up to millimeters or centimeters, quantitative measurements of elemental or isotope densities were hitherto only possible on the surface. Here, a novel quantitative elemental characterization method based on energy-resolved neutron imaging, utilizing the known neutron absorption cross sections with their ‘finger-print’ absorption resonance signatures, is demonstrated. Enabled by a pixilated time-of-flight neutron transmission detector installed at an intense short-pulsed spallation neutron source, for this demonstration 3.25 million state-of-the-art nuclear physics neutron transmission analyses were conducted to derive isotopic densities for five isotopes in 3D in a volume of 0.25 cm3. The tomographic reconstruction of the isotope densities provides elemental maps similar to X-ray microprobe maps for any cross section in the probed volume. The bulk isotopic density of a U-20Pu-10Zr-3Np-2Am nuclear transmutation fuel sample was measured, agrees well with mass-spectrometry and is evidence of the accuracy of the method.