Journal of Agricultural Extension (Dec 2007)
Gender Involvement in Fadama Farming activities in Ogun State Nigeria
The study examined gender involvment in fadama farming activities in Ogun State. A multi-stage sampling method was used in selecting districts, villages and farmers. An interviewguide wasusedto elicitinformation from 240 fadama farmers andstratifiedinto 102 male and 138 female farmers. The results of the findings showed that a large proportion of sampled male and female farmers were between 31-50 years of age. Majority of the farmers both male and female (82.35%) and 71.74%) respectively were married. About 75% of the male farmers had completed one form of formal schooling while (45.00%) of the female farmers had one form of formal schooling. The findings revealed that (57.84%) of the male hadbetween 4-6 years of farming experience while about (43.48%) of the female had 1-3 years of farming experience. Findings revealed that both male and female farmers cultivated Corchorus olitorus (ewedu) (87.50%). Amaranthusspp (tete) (87.50%) andpepper (88.75%). Results also indicated thatmale farmers engaged in fadama activities such as land clearing (90.19%, preparation (81.37%; ± = 2.84) and weeding (19.17%; female farmers engaged in fadama activities such as harvesting (93.47%; ± = 2.89),storage (94.20%; ± = 2.90) and marketing (98.55%; ± = 2. 99). However lack of credit facilities (84.16%) ranked highest as the major constraint to fadama farming. T-test analysis revealed that there was a significant difference between male and female farmers involvement in fadama farming activities (t = 4.25; P = 0.02) that is female farmers engaged in fadama farming than the male farmers. The study recommended that male farmers should be motivated and encouraged to engage more in fadama farming. Also female farmers shouldbe given opportunity to have access to andcontrol overlandfor cultivationinorderto increase their farmsize andenhancep 2.84), bed 2.88). On the other hand roductivity.