中西医结合护理 (Aug 2021)
Nursing management of an acute cerebral infarction patient with phlebitis (1例急性脑梗死合并静脉炎患者的护理体会)
Phlebitis is one of common complications of the intravenous infusion of fluids. This paper summarized the nursing experience of an acute cerebral infarction patient with phlebitis. In addition to the routine methods such as external application of potato slices and 50% magnesium sulfate wet dressing, the Comfeel hydrocolloid dressing was used to treat the phlebitis. Swelling and pain degree were measured. After 8 days after intervention with Comfeel hydrocolloid dressing, clinical symptoms of phlebitis disappeared and pain was relieved. The application of Comfeel hydrocolloid dressing is effective to relieve the irritation symptoms caused by phlebitis, it has advantages of easy-to-use, safe and being relatively painless. (静脉炎是经外周留置针穿刺常见的并发症。本研究总结1例急性脑梗死合并静脉炎患者的护理经验。在常规方法(土豆片、50%硫酸镁外敷)基础上, 给予康惠尔水胶体敷料治疗, 通过红肿面积、疼痛评分等评估护理效果。给予康惠尔水胶体敷料干预后8 d, 患者临床症状消失, 皮肤完好, 无疼痛。使用康惠尔水胶体敷料治疗静脉炎, 能改善血管的刺激症状, 具有操作简单、使用安全、无疼痛的优点。)