Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського (Jan 2019)
Crimea in the Poetic World of Mykola Kostomarov
Crimea in the Poetic World of Mykola Kostomarov. Mykola Kostomarov is one of the most multi-dimensional and extraordinary persons in the Ukrainian culture of the XIX century. As an outstanding writer and historian, he connects these two leading points of his activity rather organically. Historical themes and motives are absolutely expressive in his artistic poetry. M. Kostomarov went down in literature, first of all, as a very special romantic poet. Ancient Ukrainian and Cossack heroism, the antique images and plots are revives and updated in his poetic compositions. The Crimean realities are time to time described and artistically comprehended in the appropriate contexts. It is proved with such poems as “The Greek Song”, “Hellene”, “Antiquity”, “To Maria Potots’ka”, a ballad “Brother and Sister”, dramatic poem “Pantikapaia”, the play “Taurida Hellenes”. These compositions and many others are influenced by the repeated living in the Crimea, which permanently attracted the writer, captivated his creative imagination.