Diagnostic and Prognostic Research (May 2023)
Leave-one-out cross-validation, penalization, and differential bias of some prediction model performance measures—a simulation study
Abstract Background The performance of models for binary outcomes can be described by measures such as the concordance statistic (c-statistic, area under the curve), the discrimination slope, or the Brier score. At internal validation, data resampling techniques, e.g., cross-validation, are frequently employed to correct for optimism in these model performance criteria. Especially with small samples or rare events, leave-one-out cross-validation is a popular choice. Methods Using simulations and a real data example, we compared the effect of different resampling techniques on the estimation of c-statistics, discrimination slopes, and Brier scores for three estimators of logistic regression models, including the maximum likelihood and two maximum penalized likelihood estimators. Results Our simulation study confirms earlier studies reporting that leave-one-out cross-validated c-statistics can be strongly biased towards zero. In addition, our study reveals that this bias is even more pronounced for model estimators shrinking estimated probabilities towards the observed event fraction, such as ridge regression. Leave-one-out cross-validation also provided pessimistic estimates of the discrimination slope but nearly unbiased estimates of the Brier score. Conclusions We recommend to use leave-pair-out cross-validation, fivefold cross-validation with repetitions, the enhanced or the .632+ bootstrap to estimate c-statistics, and leave-pair-out or fivefold cross-validation to estimate discrimination slopes.