Филологический класс (Jun 2022)
From Feeling to the Metaphorical Portrait of an Emotive Concept (To the Problem of Developing Emotional Intelligence When Working with a Word)
This article presents a model for organizing activities to develop emotional intelligence when wor- king with an emotive concept, which is based on the works of Professor N. L. Mishatina of the conceptual analysis of the word. This study proceeds from the feeling as the existing emotional and aesthetic experience (intraper- sonal emotional intelligence) to the interchange of interpretations of the proposed “situational feelings” (inter- personal emotional intelligence). The sequence of the proposed stages leads to a deepening understanding of the emotive concept, which becomes enriched and updated in process of creative speech generating a metaphorical portrait of the emotive concept. The proposed model is a “spiral” of the development of emotional intelligence, returning the student to the intrapersonal component of emotional experience but at a higher level. This model of organization of activities for the development of emotional intelligence is applicable both in the Russian lan- guage and literature and in advanced training courses for teachers-philologists. It is a methodological tool for the teacher and allows the student to realize the “increment” of their emotional intelligence.