Tushuguanxue yu Zixun Kexue (Apr 2007)

專論/從傳統到開放的學術期刊出版:開放近用出版相關問題初探/李治安;林懿萱 | Transition from Traditional Commercial Academic Publishing to Open Access Publishing: Problems Exploration and Business Model Analysis/ Jyh-An Lee;Yi-Hsuan Lin

  • 李治安、林懿萱

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 33, no. 1


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<p>近年來出版商藉由數位科技及著作權法所賦予的控制力量,大幅提高學術期刊的訂閱價格,使得小型圖書館、獨立研究人員及開發中國家的研究機構無力負擔 高額的期刊訂閱費用。開放近用出版運動即在此背景下應孕而生,此運動主要希望能發揮網際網路及數位科技的正面功效,降低社會上接近使用學術著作的成本,並 同時提升學術論文的作者及讀者的共同利益。本文主要探討與學術期刊開放近用出版相關的著作權法問題,除了概括說明開放近用作為一種社會運動及其社會價值 外,並探討著作權在學術期刊出版市場中所扮演的角色。此外,本文亦將介紹近年來公、私部門對於推動開放近用出版運動所作的努力,其中包括美國2006年聯 邦研究公眾近用法案及Science Commons下的「出版」計畫。</p><p>In recent years, users&rsquo; costs of access to scholarly journal articles have been drastically increased due to publishers&rsquo; adoption of digital technologies that restrict access to academic works. Copyright has become a tool with which commercial publishers extract all potential commercial value from works of authorship. Against this background, the Open Access Publishing Movement has been seeking to promote the free distribution of scholarly material through the Internet. This Article focuses on copyright related issues of open access publishing. It first explores problems caused by traditional journal publishing model in the digital age and introduces the Open Access Publishing Movement. Then it analyzes copyright&rsquo;s role in academic journal market and the social advantage of open access publishing. It also addresses recent public and private efforts to support the Open Access Publishing Movement. Finally, from a policy perspective, this Article proposes that all scholarly journals published by the government should be open-access.</p><p>頁次:39-52</p>