Altralang Journal (Dec 2019)
Plädoyer für einen interkulturellen Tourismus in Algerien
ABSTRACT: Algeria has a tourist site known to be a great originality in Africa and the Mediterranean basin, if not worldwide. Despite all these natural, cultural and historical advantages that can satisfy all the motivations inherent in tourism, this sector of economic and social activity has not been sufficiently exploited, especially the inventory of the natural, historic heritage and diversified cultural that allows all types and forms of tourism. Algeria is classified among the lowest tourist destinations despite the large capacity that has and which for the most part remain untapped. This is due to: the weakness of the service, the lack of professionalism, the image of the Algerian situation of the security plan and the non-completion of the reforms. Algeria illustrates this situation, in spite of major tourism assets, a political will accompanied by one of the best legislation that remains flexible and encouraging for any promoter or foreigner. The willingness of the state to take charge of major tourist sites in both identification and servicing, and development of seaside, cultural and Saharan tourism, etc. For this purpose, the following objectives can be summed up to: Developing the hotel infrastructure, standardizing the tourist activity with an upgrade according to international standards and define a communication strategy to make the destination Algeria international unique, while operating a different and specific positioning strategy all around the Mediterranean