Window of Health (Oct 2018)

The Study Of Exploration Of Religiosity And Implementation Of Muslim Spiritual Nursing Care (AKSM) For Ners Professional Students Of PSIK FKM UMI Makassar In 2018

  • Samsualam Samsualam,
  • Rahmat Hidayat,
  • Karyanti Lestari Aswan



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Religiosity can describe a person's behavior at work, especially working as a health worker to help the healing process both physically, psychologically and spiritually. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of religious religiosity of professional students and to analyze the implementation of Muslim spiritual nursing care for ners profession students in PSIK FKM Universitas Muslim Indonesia. This research method used quantitative and qualitative methods (Mix Method). Based on the results of the descriptive bivariate analysis of religiosity and the implementation of Muslim nursing care in 2018, it was shown that out of 0 (100%) respondents at a high level of religiosity overall did not implement complete Muslim spiritual nursing care, 24 people (100%) and 6 (100 %) respondents with a low level of religions overall did not carry out complete implementation of Muslim spiritual nursing care, namely 6 (100%) respondents. This shows that descriptively students who have high religiosity and low religiosity do not implement Muslim spiritual nursing care (AKSM).
