Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока (Feb 2017)
The state of grass cultivation and prospects of development of seed production of perennial grasses in Russia and in the Volga-Vyatka region
The article presents the analysis of the grass cultivation and development prospects of seed production of perennial grasses in Russia, the Volga-Vyatka region and the Udmurt Republic. It is identified negative trends in the use of perennial grasses, primarily legume species, for the production of quality voluminous feed. Potential need of the country and the Udmurt Republic in the required quantities of seed of different categories of major grass species to grass cultivation and maintenance of seed for the purpose of successful development of the field and meadow fodder production, and landscape gardening. In the structure of perennial grasses in Udmurtia, the main crop is red clover (51% of the total area of perennial grasses). It is shown that a significant role in solving the problem of increasing and stabilizing the yield of clover seed plays the selection and production of a set of varieties with different earliness. For sustainable seed production of red clover in Russia it is necessary to have in the structure of areas of seed crops, the volume of the medium and early maturing varieties, respectively, 20 and 30-40%.In recent years, the proportion of early maturing and mid-season varieties of clover in the total structure in the Republic has reached 58 %. Have figured out that the number of seeds of red clover is currently grown by households for own needs. Marketability of seed production of this crop is low, 8-10 %. In Udmurtia, the most common crops alfalfa (more than 20% of the total acreage of perennial grasses). The annual demand for seeds of this crop is about 350-400 tons, and on prospect up to 500 T.