Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Agriculture Sciences (Dec 2019)
Effect of Biofertilizer with Trichoderma Harzianu Fungus and Zink Foliar Spraying on Cucumber Plant (Cucumis Sativus L.) and Growth Characters
A Filed experiment was conducted in winter agricultural season 2017/2018 in one of unheated greenhouse in Al-Qadisiyah university / agriculturae college About effect each of Trichoderma harzianum fungus and Zink foliar spraying on Cucumber plant Cucumis sativus L. And interaction between them on cucumber plant type (Sayff F1). The experiment was conducted according to randomize block completely design ( R.B.C.D) and by testing the effect of second factors the first factor including biofertilizer treatment Trichoderma harzianum with two Levels ( pollination and without pollination), the second factor was Zink foliar spraying with three levels (0,10,20 mg L-1 Zn)K Experiment treatments were six treatments as (T1 distilling water spraying), (T2 T.harzianum),(T3 Zink foliar spraying with concentrate (10 )mg L-1 Zn, (T4 T.harzianum pollination + Zink foliar spraying with concentrate 10 mg L-1) ,( T5 Zink foliar spraying with concentrate 20 mg L-1 , (T6 T.harzianum pollination + Zink foliar spraying with concentrate 20 mg L-1) with three Replecats Every experimental unit including 10 plants, and means comparing at least significant differences (L.S.D) in probability level (0.05(.The results can be summarized as follows : -Biofertilizer T.harzianum treatments exceeded by giving the highest mean in the plant height, flower numbers ,chlorophyll content , Zink content in leaves and numerical density of T.harzianum fungus in soil for the growth two duration amount to 146.88 cm , 34.36 flower plant -1 , 138.79 ml M2 ,% 29.32, 15.22, 14.41 C.F.U* gm soil-1 dried soil respectively. -While Zink treatment at level (20 mg L-1Zn) was significantly exceeded in vegetation growth characters as the plant height, flower numbers, plants chlorophyll content, Zink content in leaves and numerical density of T.harzianum fungus in soil for the growth two duration was recorded the heights mean amount to 9...41 cm , 34.19 flower plant-1 , 137.45 ml M2 , % 27.83 , 13.66 , 14. 40 C.F.U* gm soil-1 dried.