Yönetim ve Ekonomi (Jun 2021)
The Impact of Workplace Incivility on Withdrawal Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Exhaustion and The Moderating Role of Personal Belief in A Just World(İşyeri Nezaketsizliğinin Geri Çekilme Davranışlarına Etkisi: Tükenmişliğin Aracı, Kişisel Adil Dünya İnancının Düzenleyici Rolü)
In this study, whether emotional exhaustion has a mediating effect on workplace incivility-withdrawal relationship was examined; and the moderating role of employees’ personal beliefs in a just world on workplace incivility-emotional exhaustion-withdrawal relationship was tested. Field study was conducted on 355 non-manager employees working in administrative units of manufacturing firms. Obtained data was analyzed by conducting reliability, factor, correlation and regression analyses. Study findings demonstrated that supervisor and coworker incivility affect both emotional exhaustion and withdrawal positively and the positive effect of coworker incivility was stronger. In addition, the mediating effect of emotional exhaustion on supervisor and coworker incivility-withdrawal relationship was found to be significant. Moreover, for employees whose personal beliefs in a just world is low, it was found that perceived supervisor and coworker incivility have a stronger positive effect on emotional exhaustion; and as personal belief in a just world increases from low to high, the indirect effect of both supervisor and coworker incivility on withdrawal (via emotional exhaustion) decreases.