Cogent Food & Agriculture (Dec 2023)
An analysis of the ginger value chain in palpa, Nepal
AbstractTo solve the current shortcomings in the marketing channel of ginger (Zingiber officinale) and the subsequent value addition along the channel, a value chain analysis is required. A household survey of producers and in-person interviews with traders were conducted in one of the municipalities (Rampur municipality) and three different rural municipalities, namely Nisdi, Purbakhola, and Bagnaskali of Palpa district, with the sole purpose of analyzing the ginger value chain. For the analysis, a total of 97 ginger growers and 10 traders were surveyed. Interviews with traders, processors, and middlemen were also required to determine the value chain and the cost of ginger at each stage. The difference between farm gate pricing and retailers’ prices was determined to be NPR. 40. With an average B:C ratio of 1.06, the findings showed that ginger production was a financially viable business in the study area of the Palpa district. To enhance ginger production and production areas, the government should give producers financial support. According to the Cobb-Douglas production function, the scalability of ginger production increased at a decreasing rate. As the sum of the regressions of all the inputs in the regression function was found to be 0.895, the gross return would rise by roughly 89.5% of all the inputs listed in the production function were increased by 100%. The PMAMP’s zone office for ginger and turmeric should offer farmers technical support to help them deal with disease and pest issues and market information.