Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (Aug 2008)
Pemanfaatan Kapang Aspergillus niger sebagai Inokulan Fermentasi Kulit Kopi dengan Media Cair dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Performans Ayam Broiler
During the study, it was used 100 broiler aged 7 days and 5 treatment ration which contain different fermented coffee pulp. The design used in this study was the block randomized design (BRD) with 5 treatmens. Parameter measured were ration consumption, weight growth, and ration conversion. The result of this study showed that the use of fermented coffee pulp in the ration was significantly effective (P<0,05) on the weight growth, ration consumption and ration conversion. It could be concluded that fermented coffee pulp can be used up to 10% in the ration of the broiler