Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (Aug 2008)

Pemanfaatan Kapang Aspergillus niger sebagai Inokulan Fermentasi Kulit Kopi dengan Media Cair dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Performans Ayam Broiler

  • Akmal Akmal,
  • Filawati Filawati

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 3
pp. 150 – 158


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During the study, it was used 100 broiler aged 7 days and 5 treatment ration which contain different fermented coffee pulp. The design used in this study was the block randomized design (BRD) with 5 treatmens. Parameter measured were ration consumption, weight growth, and ration conversion. The result of this study showed that the use of fermented coffee pulp in the ration was significantly effective (P<0,05) on the weight growth, ration consumption and ration conversion. It could be concluded that fermented coffee pulp can be used up to 10% in the ration of the broiler