AIP Advances (Jun 2021)
Electromagnetically induced transparency analog in terahertz hybrid metal–dielectric metamaterials
An electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) analog in hybrid metal–dielectric metamaterials is proposed and numerically demonstrated in the terahertz region. The EIT analog consists of a metal bar and a silicon disk (SD) to support localized surface plasmon resonance and anapole modes. A high transmission EIT-like optical response was achieved with a Q-factor of ∼250 as interpreted by the destructive interference between these two modes through the hybrid metamaterial. The influences of the background index and SD radius on the hybrid metamaterial are also demonstrated. In addition, the proposed metamaterial has the potential to be integrated into microfluidic chips for tumor, pesticide, and poison sensing, which gives a new way to realize EIT in a way that is different using all-metal and all-dielectric materials.