Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil ()
Maternal and child patient safety: a multiple criteria analysis of the decisionmaking preferences of nurse managers
Abstract Objectives: to establish the decision preferences of nurse managers with emphasis on maternal-child patient safety, in order to understand how to prioritize actions and investments in the application of nursing assignments should be given. Methods: a quantitative research with convenience sampling and a MCDA methodology (Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis) was operationalized by the PROMETHEE algorithm (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations) through the use of a graphical preference capture tool and sensitivity analysis to ensure the robustness of the model. A consolidation of the criteria was carried out by means of the dimensions: reception, classification, assistance, orientation, team integration and administrative services, defined by criteria similarity and calculated by means of weighted preference indexes. Results: a greater decision preference or relative importance was attributed to the professional category Obstetric Nurses (46.47%), which stood out with the highest preferences in three dimensions: Integration (22.74%), Assistance (13.37%) and Administrative Aspects (10.36%). The dimensions not directly involved with the patient (Team Integration and Administrative Aspects), altogether had a high decision-making preference or relative weight (47.96%). Conclusions: the model of decision-making preferences furnished innovative contributions in regard to the priority established on actions and investments to create greater safety for maternal and child patients.