Bio-Protocol (Oct 2020)
Assembly and Imaging Set up of PIE-Scope
Cryo-Electron Tomography (cryo-ET) is a method that enables resolving the structure of macromolecular complexes directly in the cellular environment. However, sample preparation for in situ Cryo-ET is labour-intensive and can require both cryo-lamella preparation through cryo-Focused Ion Beam (FIB) milling and correlative light microscopy to ensure that the event of interest is present in the lamella. Here, we present an integrated cryo-FIB and light microscope setup called the Photon Ion Electron microscope (PIE-scope) that enables direct and rapid isolation of cellular regions containing protein complexes of interest. The PIE-scope can be retrofitted on existing microscopes, although the drawings we provide are meant to work on ThermoFisher DualBeams with small mechanical modifications those can be adapted on other brands.