Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Dec 2014)

運用資訊科技於學校關鍵績效指標評鑑:網路績效管理平台建置之研究 Application of Information Technology for Key Performance Indicators: Construction of a Digitized Performance Evaluation Platform

  • 鄭新輝 Hsin-Hui Cheng,
  • 鍾廣翰 Guang-Han Chung,
  • 王怡芳 I-Fang Wang

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 59, no. 4
pp. 27 – 63


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本研究目的在運用資訊科技建構學校績效管理的網路平台,以協助管理者、評鑑者與個人進行有效的績效管理。研究對象採立意取樣,選擇願意參與本研究之3 所學校,調查對象之有效樣本為3 所學校74位使用者(8 位評鑑委員、13 位教師、3位校長及50 位行政人員)。參與者以一學期的時間進行評鑑指標資料之上傳與管理,上傳資料以word 檔居多(82%),其次為PDF(15%)、影音檔及其他(3%)。績效指標是以鄭新輝(2010)所建構之「整合性學校績效管理關鍵績效指標」為架構,共分成三大類、十六個層面、八十個指標。先透過焦點團體座談、網路管理平台建置、資料上傳、專家評鑑、問卷調查等歷程,再以描述性統計、獨立樣本t 檢定與單因子變異數等統計方法進行分析。研究結果顯示:一、以行為錨定法可明確化各績效指標的檢證標準、方式與證據來源。二、績效管理平台的「介面親和度」、「運作功能性」、「使用滿意度」與「推廣可行性」等四大面向,在五等量表中平均達3.82~3.89 分,顯示以網路管理平台進行學校績效管理,具良好的可行性及效益性。有六成二以上的使用者,同意使用本系統以輔助個人進行績效管理與評鑑。三、教育程度與上網時間的長短,會影響使用者對網路管理平台運用的效益性及滿意度看法。綜而言之,本研究開創學校績效管理與評鑑數位化的先機,將學校績效指標以行為錨定法,系統化地建構客觀檢證標準、檢證方式與證據來源,並據以規劃可提供管理者、評鑑者與個人進行績效管理的網路管理平台,可有效強化學校與個人定期進行自我管理,以提升學校整體的經營品質。 The purpose of this study was to develop specific rating standards, data collection methods, and sources for various key performance indicators (KPIs) to establish a digitized performance management platform that can increase the effectiveness of school management and evaluation. The sample was recruited from elementary schools in Tainan and Kaohsiung. A total of 74 participants from three schools (including eight evaluation committee members, 13 teachers, three principals, and 50 faculty members) uploaded KPI data over a period of one semester. The indicators were developed by the researcher; three categories, 16 levels, and 80 indicators were produced. By using focus groups and information technology, a digitized performance management platform was established, the reference material for the evaluation indicators was uploaded, and expert rating and questionnaire survey were conducted; the descriptive statistics and quantitative data were analyzed using the independent-samples t test and one-way analysis of variance. The findings provided a guideline for examining the indicators and source of the reference material Moreover, the user survey of the digitized evaluation platform can be divided into four parts: the user friendliness of the interface, system functions, user satisfaction, and feasibility of promoting the system. The result indicated that the system exhibited high feasibility and efficiency (mean=3.82-3.89). Positive feedback regarding user satisfaction and the feasibility of promoting the system was received from 62.1% of the users. In addition, the educational level and time spent using the Internet affected respondents’ opinions on the efficiency and user satisfaction. In conclusion, this was the first study to combine performance indicators with a digitized platform to facilitate web management and systemize KPIs. The proposed digitized platform can enable schools and individuals to periodically conduct self-management and improve school administrative effectiveness.
