Medicinski Glasnik (Feb 2008)
Value added of health economics for health personnel
Aim In discussing the application of economics to health andhealth care this paper focuses mostly on the value added of knowledgein the field of health economics for health care professionalsand their need to obtain this knowledge.Methods To achieve this aim, we discuss the nature and scopeof economics, health economics and basic principles of healthcare. In their discussion they show the basic hypotheses, theoremsand instruments of the related fields, discuss the issues thesefields explore and analyse their interaction. Based on the analysisof links between economics, health economics and health carethey explore the validity of the following three hypotheses. First,in order to apply economics to health and health care the basictools and principals of economic analysis need to be modified toa certain extent. Second, applying economics to health and healthcare changes both the decision-making process and the context inwhich providers provide health care services. Third, advocatingthe need to uphold the core values may conflict with the need toensure economic efficiency.Results We determine that this knowledge can be beneficial notonly for health care professionals holding important managementpositions but for all health care professionals as it enables themto perform more efficiently and in accordance with the mission oftheir profession and the strategy of health care organizations.Conclusion The discussion has clearly shown the positive valueaddedof knowledge in the field of health economics for healthcare professionals and thus advocating the need for students ofmedicine to acquire basic knowledge and understanding of healtheconomics.