Nauka ta progres transportu (Apr 2019)
Purpose. The quality of passenger’s and good’s transportation by a magnetically levitated train (MLT) is a key criterion for evaluating its consumer properties. The dynamics of a train’s electromechanical subsystem (EMS) has a decisive influence on this quality. Non-stationary modes of this subsystem’s motion, such as a speed increase, service and emergency braking, as well as the passage of the tunnel are especially critical. Therefore, the train’s motion in such modes is limited by acceptable safety standards. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to assess the dynamic qualities and load of the train in the above-mentioned non-stationary modes. Methodology. At the present stage, the main and most universal tool for analyzing and synthesizing processes in systems is their mathematical and, in particular, computer modelling. On this basis, the work was done by conducting a series of experiments with computer model of EMS MLT dynamics. This computer model was obtained as a result of the relevant transformation of the corresponding mathematical model into it. The mentioned computer model was programmatically recorded in the input language of the Mathematica computer mathematics system. Findings. The obtained results of modelling are presented in graphical form and reflect the train's motion in the modes of acceleration, the passage through a tunnel, as well as service and emergency braking. The control by the train's electromechanical subsystem in all considered transient modes of motion, with the exception of emergency braking, is carried out by changing the voltage feeding of the linear synchronous motor’s armature’s winding according to one or another law. Therefore, during modelling the train’s motion in each of these modes, frequency, amplitude-frequency, and phase-frequency control options for the motor’s armature’s voltage changing were considered. Analysis of the simulation results made it possible to estimate the MLT’s dynamic qualities in various non-stationary modes of motion and its load in their process. Originality. The research suggests setting the priority of the holistic consideration of non-stationary modes of MLT's EMS's motion. Practical value. The main manifestation of the practical value of the work is the possibility, in the case of using its results, of significant increasing in the efficiency of dynamic studies of MLT while reducing their resource intensity.