LingVaria (May 2021)
Regulamin działu forum dyskusyjnego
Internet Forum Rules. Structural Determinants of a Genre Pattern The purpose of this article is to describe the genre identity and components of the structural aspect of the genre pattern of internet forum rules, taking into account the newest genological theories related to genre hybridism and genre-formation processes occurring in texts. The methodology of research uses the methods of genological analysis based on the theory of Maria Wojtak. According to this theory, the analysis of the structural aspect is one of the key elements which make it possible to define the genre identity of the text. The research material consists of twenty-two texts from the Sports Internet Forum, which perform the function of regulating and determining the principles of communication on the forum, and which are called the ‘forum rules’ by the users. In its pragmatic aspect, such rules refer to the official genre of regulations, and it may either represent its alternation or adaptation pattern, or function as an independent genre.