Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare (Jun 2014)
Smoking Behaviour of Asthmatic Patients in Primary Care: A Cross-Sectional Study
Introduction: One-third of adult asthma patients smoke cigarettes despite smoking being a known trigger of asthma exacerbation. This study aims to describe the behaviour of asthmatic patients who smoke and explore the reasons why they continue to smoke cigarettes even when unwell. Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted on adult asthma patients at primary care clinics in Singapore. One hundred and seventy-four asthmatic smokers (AS) of four ethnic groups, both genders, aged 21–50 years were recruited. Demographic data and smoking characteristics, reasons for smoking, and experiences during their attempts to quit were collected and analysed using the statistical software STATA version 12. Results: The median age of AS was 30 years. Seventy-five percent were males and mostly Malays (58%). Seventy-one percent had at least secondary education. Eighty-six percent started smoking before 20 years old. Ninety-eight percent smoked less than 10 sticks per day and 51% smoked ≤5 pack-years. Thirty-eight percent smoked within 5 minutes of awakening. AS cited reasons such as stress relief (79%), peer pressure (36%), influence from family members who smoke (40%), think better (35%), staying alert (57%), and relaxed (53%). Although 77% believed smoking worsened their asthma, they continued to smoke. Restlessness (43%), mood swings (27%), difficulties in concentration (25%) and irritability (24%) were common symptoms encountered in those who attempted to quit. About 44% did not refrain from smoking even when they were ill. Conclusion: Adult asthmatic smokers continued cigarette smoking to relieve stress, maintain mental alertness and avoid withdrawal symptoms. Implementing a programme to address smoking behaviour and withdrawal symptoms is paramount towards successful smoking cessation.