Известия Саратовского университета: Новая серия. Серия Философия. Психология. Педагогика (Mar 2022)

Secular and religious aspects of modern culture: A socio-philosophical and theological analysis

  • Orlov, Mikhail Olegovych,
  • Cherevichko, Tatyana Viktorovna

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 1
pp. 34 – 39


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In the presented study, the relationship between the Church and the culture of the peoples being nourished is examined from the standpoint of theological and socio-philosophical analysis. It is revealed that the centuries-old mutual infl uence of church and national-cultural traditions has led to the fact that the understanding of the national culture by its bearer is impossible without referring to the Christian faith as the basis of this culture. The perception of aesthetic patterns, communicative values and ethical principles occurs through the understanding of religious culture. It is substantiated that culture cannot abandon its religious content without losing its elevating and enlightening impact on the individual. The restoration of a full-fl edged transmission of Christian (Orthodox) spiritual experience is a fundamental condition for overcoming the crisis of spiritual tradition in Russia. At the same time, “transmission” implies not only the transmission of the experience of Christian life from generation to generation, but also the familiarization of our contemporaries, hitherto alien to Orthodoxy, to it. The hypothesis of the dialectical unity of the religious and secular nature of culture is analyzed. It is substantiated that a necessary condition for restoring the mechanisms for transferring the spiritual experience of Christian life is the formation of a system of cultural and educational activities of the Russian Orthodox Church, in which the transfer of traditional spiritual experience is inextricably linked with the transfer of the spiritual experience of Russian culture.
