Data in Brief (Dec 2019)
Dataset for compression ignition engine fuelled with corn oil methyl ester biodiesel
The present data study deals with the experimental analysis of performance, emission and combustion characteristics of CI engine fuelled with corn oil methyl ester biodiesel blend as alternative fuel. A two-step trans esterification process is used to produce the biodiesel. Furthermore, a characteristics study was carried out on the extracted corn oil methyl ester biodiesel blends over conventional fuel. Three different fuel blends namely B10, B20 and B30 were chosen and the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of these are compared to that of conventional diesel fuel. Eddy current dynamometer is used load the engine from no load to maximum load condition. Using AVL DiGAS 444 N gas analyser and AVL 346 smoke meter the emissions and smoke opacity of the fuel blends and diesel were measured respectively. The experimental performance, emission and combustion data's were presented. Keywords: Corn oil methyl ester, Engine, Performance, Biodiesel