IEEE Journal of Microwaves (Jan 2024)
Introduction to the Fall 2024 Issue
This is our last release in 2024 and closes off our fourth year of publications. As we enter 2025, we will be scheduled for bimonthly, rather than quarterly, issues as we take advantage of a significant increase in paper submissions after receiving our Clarivate Journal Impact Factor of 6.9. Our October issue contains 14 regular papers and one invited review article on GaN MMIC's. As an added treat in 2024, immediately following the release of our regular issue papers, we will bring you our long-awaited special issue on Microwaves in Climate Change which we have been assembling since the start of 2024. IEEE Journal of Microwaves is extremely pleased to host this special topic, which was inspired by our special editorial series article, “Making Waves: Microwaves in Climate Change,” (Siegel and Siegel 2023) that we released in July 2023. We hope that this special issue will bring additional scientists into the microwave publishing community and inspire more microwave engineers to seek out geophysicists, Earth scientists, environmentalists, climatologists, geochemical engineers, energy and power specialists, resource managers, and other technical experts who might benefit from the instrumentation, knowledge, and skillsets within our community. A more detailed introduction to the Climate Issue can be found in (Siegel 2024).