Anadiss (Jul 2018)
Étude morphologique et syntaxique des adverbes de manière, de temps et de lieu en kↄ̀dɛ́, parler baoulé de Côte d’Ivoire
This article is about the kↄ̀dɛ́, Baoulé speak of the Department of Béoumi. We propose to make a study on the formations and the manifestations of the adverbs of way, time and place in this Baoulé dialect. We analyze not only the modes of formation of the adverbs but also the manifestations of these adverbs in syntactic context. Regarding the adverb in this way, it is formed from the total reduplication of the adjective (when it is formed from an adjectival basis) or from the total reduplication of the adverb (when formed from an adverbial basis). As for the adverbs of time and place, they are not formed on the basis of any other grammatical category and are find several places in the structure of phrase. In the same way, the analyzes relate to the realizations of the tones of these adverbs, namely the adverb of way, the adverb of time and the adverb of place.