BHUMI: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan (Sep 2018)

Konflik Tanah Bengkok di Pedesaan Jawa Kontemporer

  • Heri Priyatmoko

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Vol. 3, no. 1


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Intisari:Tulisan ini membahas proses konflik tanah bengkok di Desa Telukan yang terjadi pada permulaan abad XXI. Masyarakat pedesaan dicitrakan komunitas yang tenang, jauh dari sikap kritis, dan hidup guyub rukun mendadak berubah dengan pecahnya konflik tanah bengkok. Tanah bengkok dipahami warga sebagai kekayaan desa yang harus dijaga dan umumnya berlokasi tidak jauh dari desa. Sengketa agraria ini dipicu oleh rasa ketidakpuasan masyarakat terhadap pamong desa dan tokoh masyarakat yang melakukan tukar guling tanah kas desa. Sebagian masyarakat merasa ditinggalkan oleh aparatur desa dalam mengambil keputusan penting itu. Akumulasi kekecewaan warga tersalurkan dengan membentuk organisasi Format dan melancarkan aksi demonstrasi yang digelar beberapa kali. Konflik tanah ini menyebabkan kehidupan desa sempat memanas dan masyarakat terbelah dalam beberapa kubu, yaitu mendukung ruislag, menolak, dan netral. Konflik atau ketegangan sosial merembet di ranah politik yang tercermin dalam pemilihan kepala desa dan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD). Kelompok yang bersengketa masing-masing mengajukan jagonya demi memenangkan kasus tukar guling. Kenyataan ini menunjukkan bahwa konflik tanah telah berimbas pada kehidupan sosial-politik masyarakat. Abstract: This paper discusses the conflict of tanah bengkok (communal land managed by the village government) in Telukan village in early 21st century. Villagers are depicted as calm and peaceful communities and lack of critical thinking. However, the hamonious life in Telukan village suddenly became a chaos due to the conflict related to tanah bengkok. The people recognize tanah bengkok as a property of the village that needs to be preserved. This land is usually located close to the village. Agrarian dispute was triggered by the lost of trust toward the village leaders and public figures who were supposed to conduct the ruislag of tanah bengkok. Some villagers felt that they were not involved in taking communal decisions by their leaders. The people’s disappoinment triggering them to established an organisation and several demonstrations. The community was divided into several groups: those who support the ruislag, those who refuse, and status quo. This conflict was spread to the political sphere, showed in the election of Kepala Desa (head of village) and Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (Village’s Representative Board). The disputing groups chose their own representatives in order to win the ruislag case. This signifies the evidences that the agrarian dispute impacted on the people’s socio-political lives.
