SA Journal of Industrial Psychology (Oct 2005)

A psychometric investigation into the use of an adaptation of the Ghiselli Predictability Index in personnel selection

  • Liesle Twigge,
  • Callie Theron,
  • Henry Steel,
  • Deon Meiring

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 31, no. 1


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The magnitudes of validity coefficients typically encountered in validation studies are disappointingly low. Validity coefficients typically fall below 0,50 and only very seldom reach values as high as 0,70. Numerous possibilities have been considered on how to affect an increase in the magnitude of the validity coefficient. A thought-provoking alternative to the usual multiple-regression based attempts may be found in the work of Ghiselli (1956, 1960a, 1960b). The objective of this article is to propose and evaluate a modification to the original Ghiselli procedure. Encouragingly positive results were obtained. Recommendations for future research are made. Opsomming Die grootte-orde van geldigheidskoëffisiënte wat tipies in validasiestudies gevind word is teleurstellend laag. Geldigheidskoëffisiënte neem as ’n reël waardes kleiner as 0,50 aan en bereik by wyse van hoë uitsondering waardes so hoog soos 0,70. Verskeie moontlikhede in terme waarvan ’n verhoging in die geldigheidskoëffisiënt te weeg gebring sou kon word, is reeds oorweeg. ’n Stimulerende alternatief tot die gebruiklike meervoudige regressie gebaseerde pogings is te vind in die werk van Ghiselli (1956, 1960a, 1960b). Die doelstelling van hierdie artikel is om ’n wysiging aan die oorspronklike Ghiselli-prosedure voor te stel en te evalueer. Bemoedigend positiewe resultate is gevind. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word gemaak.
