Revista de Estudios Sociales (Aug 2013)
Entre ciudades y presas. Oposición campesina al trasvase de agua y la defensa del río Temascaltepec, México
The objective of this article is to analyze the social movement that appeared in the late 1990s in the State of Mexico against the construction of the "El Tule" dam, part of the fourth stage of the expansion of the "Cutzamala System". The organization and mobilization of the affected population was, after two years of fighting, one of the key factors which led the Federal Government of Mexico to suspend the project. The text analyzes the various stages of the conflict, the demands and repertoires of the actors, the Government's response, and the result of the mobilization. The procedural analysis of the conflict contributes to understanding rural-urban contradictions and contextualizing the new interest of the State to finalize the interbasin transfer in Mexico City fifteen years after the rise of the social movement.