Environment International (Jan 2024)

Effect of biodegradable PBAT microplastics on the C and N accumulation of functional organic pools in tropical latosol

  • Miao Chen,
  • Ming Cao,
  • Wen Zhang,
  • Xin Chen,
  • Huiran Liu,
  • Ziyu Ning,
  • Licheng Peng,
  • Changhua Fan,
  • Dongming Wu,
  • Meng Zhang,
  • Qinfen Li

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 183
p. 108393


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Microplastics (MPs) pollution is becoming an emerging global stressor for soil ecosystems. However, studies on the impacts of biodegradable MPs on soil C sequestration have been mainly based on bulk C quantity, without considering the storage form of C, its persistency and N demand. To address this issue, the common poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) was used as the model, and its effects on soil functional organic pools, including mineral-associated (MAOM), particulate (POM) and dissolved organic matter (DOM), were investigated from the novel coupled perspective of C and N stocks. After adding PBAT-MPs, the contents of soil POM-C, DOM-C, and MAOM-C were increased by 546.9 %–697.8 %, 54.2 %–90.3 %, and 13.7 %–18.9 %, respectively. Accordingly, the total C increased by 116.0 %–191.1 %. Structural equation modeling showed that soil C pools were regulated by PBAT input and microbial metabolism associated with C and N enzymes. Specifically, PBAT debris could be disguised as soil C to promote POM formation, which was the main pathway for C accumulation. Inversely, the MAOM-C and DOM-C formation was attributed to the PBAT microbial product and the selective consumption in DOM-N. Random forest model confirmed that N-activated (e.g., Nitrospirae) and PBAT-degrading bacteria (e.g., Gemmatinadetes) were important taxa for soil C accumulation, and the key enzymes were rhizopus oryzae lipas, invertase, and ammonia monooxygenase. The soil N accumulation was mainly related to the oligotrophic taxa (e.g., Chloroflexi and Ascomycota) associated with aggregate formation, decreasing the DOM-N by 46.9 %–84.3 %, but did not significantly change the total N storage and other N pools. Collectively, the findings highlight the urgency to control the nutrient imbalance risk of labile N loss and recalcitrant C enrichment in POM to avoid the depressed turnover rate of organic matter in MPs-polluted soil.
