SHS Web of Conferences (Jan 2024)
The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Ergonomic Risk Factor Profile in Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers (ojol) in Jakarta
Introduction: The increasing need for online motorcycle taxi driver (ojol) transportation continues to increase in Jakarta. This increases the activity of motorcycle taxi drivers, which can cause Carpal tunnel syndrome risks due to the awkward posture of the wrist while riding the motorcycle (the wrist posture is too long on the motorcycle handlebars with repetitive motion), which will affect the nerves and blood supply to the wrist and hand. This study aims to determine the risk of the motorcycle taxi driver’s upper limb using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) and Carpal tunnel syndrome risk factor using the Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire (BTCSQ). Method: This research used a cross-sectional study approach with 97 respondents online motorcycle taxi drivers. The respondents were collected based on the activity of online motorcycle taxi drivers who were in or passing through the data collection location and willing to take part in the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) and the Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire (BTCSQ). The RULA assessment and analysis were performed and supported by video (recording from a cycle of the activity while the respondents were riding the motorcycles). The respondents’ criteria were an online motorcycle taxi driver with a minimum of 1 year of working experience, at least 3 hours working duration per day, and not clinically suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and wrist problems. This study has been approved by Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana ethical committee. Result: The results of BCTSQ and RULA in online motorcycle taxi drivers have found that there’s mild–moderate risk respectively in Jakarta. In RULA, it was found that there were 87.6% of respondents were reported at moderate risk which had an impact on musculoskeletal problems, especially the upper limb. In the BCTSQ, the result showed that there were mild complaints in 38.1% of respondents regarding the wrist which was at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Discussion: With RULA results, in the form of moderate risk, Further ergonomics investigation and assessment are needed to find out further risk factors, mitigation plans, and best improvements to reduce the risks. The occurrence of mild complaints in the wrist based on BCTSQ requires further clinical examination of carpal tunnel syndrome to reduce the incidence of CTS cases in online motorcycle taxi drivers. Conclusion: This research’s result has found mild-moderate risk factors from the activity and working posture among online motorcycle taxi drivers in Jakarta. Further investigation and research ergonomically are needed.