Pós: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da FAUUSP (Jun 2015)
Le Corbusier, Pierre Chareau and two masterpieces of modern architecture
Le Corbusier and Pierre Chareau are famously responsible for two projects considered iconic of modern architecture: Villa Savoye and Maison de Verre. Both are coeval and commissioned by clients with the same socioeconomic profile – the French haute bourgeoisie –, and with similar needs. Villa Savoye is a single family home, while Maison de Verre houses both residential and medical clinic functions in the same building structure. However, this difference does not interfere in our intended analysis. By comparing the client-architect relationships in both projects – Le Corbusier/Savoye and Chareau/Dalsace – we raise questions regarding the professional behavior that modern architects have arrogated to themselves: to revolutionize customs and practices. The projects are modern and diverse responses to similar requests. In both cases, the role of women is indicative of their influence in that particular historical context as opinion setters. The house is the locus of the female dominium, and as such expresses women’s tastes and habits.