Revista Transilvană de Ştiinţe Administrative (Jun 2021)
Moduri de abordare a performanței în administrația publică locală din România
Performance in local public administration is a concept that requires a complex, multidisciplinary definition, in the context of current challenges faced by local public authorities in their work to solve problems of the local community, in the short, medium and long term.The evaluation of performance in the local administration implies a multifactorial analysis, taking into account the needs of the community, the economic potential, the available resources, respecting the principle of economic efficiency. The analysis of performance in local public administration must be conducted in terms of general indicators, defined based on the responsibilities established by the legal framework for local public administration authorities, but especially by how executive and deliberative authorities in the administrative-territorial unit meet their assumed strategic and electoral objectives.In order to increase performance, the activity of the local administration must be analyzed and adjusted permanently by modern and efficient means, being focused especially on the needs of the citizen and reaching a sustainable development of the local community.