Journal of Biological Researches (May 2012)
Bioproduksi Floroglusinol oleh Jamur Endofit Coelomycetes AFAS-F3 yang Diisolasi Dari Tumbuhan Archangelesia Flava L. Merr.
Isolation and identifi cation of secondary metabolites of endophytic fungus associated with the plant of Archangelisia flava Merr.and antibacterial activity test were done in this study. Extraction of biomass of endophytic fungus culture and its secondary metabolitesisolation were done in ethyl acetate and methanol solvent then followed by thin layer and colomn chromatography. The fractions fromcolomn chromatography were tested for antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli by paper disc method. The result showed thatthe extract composed of 9 fractions. Fraction 4th and 8th had growth inhibition zone, 8 mm and 10 mm respectively, against E.coliat the concentration of 100 mg/ml. Isolation and purifi cation process through several chromatography techniques yielded one majormetabolites wich was identifi ed as phloroglucinol by co-chromatography technique on a GC-MS machine. Phloroglucinol can produce10 mm clear zone on a disc antibacterial assay against E. coli.