Бюллетень сибирской медицины (Jun 2003)
Variants of Epstein—Barr viral infection course in infectious mononucleosis nidus for the children
The aim of this investigation is to assess variants of Epstein—Barr viral infection course in infectious mononucleosis nidus. There have been examined 5 groups of preschool institutions, in each there was found 1 case of typical infectious mononucleosis caused by Epstein—Barr virus. Total number of children under observation was 67: 5 children with typical (clinical) infectious mononucleosis and 62 children being in contact under the disease. Analyses of life history, clinical examination, peripheral blood examination, serologic marker spectrum of EBV- and HIV-infections and factors of immune system cellular component have been made during investigation. It was found that 1 child in a contact group was absolutely healthy, 53 children were virus carriers and 8 children had atypical infectious mononucleosis. Upon the investigation results the formation of infectious mononucleosis nidus has been proved and their peculiarities have been found.