Jurnal Nomosleca (Apr 2022)
Strategi Pemasaran Online dalam Meningkatkan Daya Saing dan Volume Penjualan di Era Pandemi Covid 19
This research illustrates marketing strategies with online businesses to increase competitiveness and sales volume in Pernah Trendy online store. The concept used in this research is marketing communication, strategy, digital marketing, and sales volume. The research method used is descriptive with qualitative approach. Data collection is conducted through observation stage, in-depth interviews with key informants, namely online store owners and other informants, documentation studies and the internet to obtain information or data related to research. Thisstudy attempts to lookd at how media Instagram used in marketing in the Covid 19 raising on the purchase product. Themethod used from this study uses SOSTAC analysis. The result of the study is that the owner of Toko Pernah Trendy uses marketing communication with Instagram, Whatsapp and Line mediaas a medium to promote Toko Pernah Trendy which is considered effective and efficient and Tokpedia as a platform in increasing sales in the new normal era today.