Antarctic Record (Dec 1976)
On the Chemical Compositions and Origin of the Lake Waters in the Prince Olav Coast, Antarctica
Geochemical researches were carried out for the period from December 1972 to February 1974 on the lake waters in the following seven areas along the Prince Olav Coast ; Sinnan Rocks, Cape Hinode, East Ongul Island, West Ongul Island, Langhovde, Skarvsnes and Skallen. 93 lake water samples were collected and their major components were analyzed. The following results were obtained with respect to chemical compositions of these lake waters and the origin of their salts : 1) These lakes along the Prince Olav Coast were classified into the following three types according to their topographical origin ; lakes created by collapse down of extant glaciers, lakes created by the direct invasion of sea waters in the past, and lakes of meteoric waters in depressed ground. 2) Total concentration of salts in these lake waters ranges from 6.7mg/l to 3.26×10^5mg/l. Many high salinity lakes where the total concentration of salts exceeds 1×l0^4mg/l were found in Langhovde and Skarvsnes, whereas, in the other areas few lakes contained more than 1×l0^3mg/l salts. 3) The salts dissolved in these lake waters originate from sea water. The deviations of the chemical composition of the lake waters from that of sea water are ascribed to wind-blown sea spray which affected the chemical composition.