Cercetări Arheologice (Jul 2024)
Gladiatori și spectacole în amfiteatru în cetăţile greceşti de la Pontul Euxin
Our study proposes to discuss several aspects related to the gladiators attested in the Greek cities of the Pontus Euxinus (Chersones, Histria, Tomis, Callatis, Dionysopolis, Odessos, Byzantion, Sinope, Amisos), such as the names, social status and mentality of these amphitheatre fighters. Our analysis also focuses on the equipment and weapons of the gladiators, their fighting techniques and the various aspects of the organisation of gladiatorial combat. Our research is based on the study of epigraphic and archaeological documents (bas-reliefs). Inscriptions and reliefs attest several types of gladiators, such as retiarius, secutor, scissor, provocator and bestiarius. The names of the gladiators reflect their winning qualities and their physical or moral qualities. Most gladiators were slaves or free men. Documents from Tomis from the 2nd-3rd centuries AD confirm that gladiatorial fights and beast hunts in the amphitheatre are closely linked to the imperial cult. At Tomis, Odessos, Sinope and Amisos, the organisers of these spectacles were at the same time pontarchs and high priests of the imperial cult. Gladiator fights took place in amphitheatres (at Tomis) and other specially designed venues such as theatres (at Odessos). Nemesis and Ares are the patron deities of gladiators.