Jurnal Ternak Tropika (Oct 2012)


  • Kuswati Kuswati,
  • Eko Nugroho,
  • Andra Widiastutik

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 2
pp. 64 – 75


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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produktivitas sapi Rambon di Kecamatan Glagah Kabupaten Banyuwangi yang meliputi aspek produksi dan reproduksi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Kemiren, Olehsari dan Kampunganyar di Kecamatan Glagah Kabupaten Banyuwangi pada bulan Maret-April 2006. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus. Materi penelitian yang digunakan adalah 59 peternak sapi Rambon dengan jumlah sapi 126 ekor. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Komposisi ternak jantan dan betina masing– masing sebesar 20,63 % dan 79,37 %; tingkat kelahiran dan kematian ternak masing-masing sebesar 23,81 % dan 0,79 %; pertambahan populasi sebesar 23,02 %; mutasi ternak yang masuk dan keluar masing-masing sebesar 29,37 % dan 19,05 % antar peternak. Penampilan reproduksi sapi Rambon antara lain meliputi umur pertama kawin 24,80 ± 2,21 tahun; service per conception untuk perkawinan alami, IB dan campuran masing-masing sebesar 1,68 ± 0,95; 1,50 ± 0,65 dan 1,40 ± 0,89; calving interval sebesar 12,38 ± 0,59 bulan; estrus post partum sebesar 60,25 ± 5,66 hari; service post partum 84,48 ± 7,96 hari. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa produktivitas sapi Rambon dalam kategori baik dengan persentase kelahiran 65,22% dari populasi induk; 22,81 persen dari total populasi dan persentase kematian 0,79 persen dari total populasi, sehingga diperoleh pertambahan populasi 23,02 persen. Sedangkan dari aspek reproduksi menunjukkan bahwa calving interval berada dalam kondisi ideal. Program untuk meningkatkan angka panenan pedet hendaknya perlu diperhatikan manajemen reproduksi terutama betina produktif dengan meningkatkan kelahiran. Kata kunci: Produktivitas, Sapi Rambon ABSTRACT The study was conducted at the Village Kemiren, Olehsari and Kampunganyar in Glagah District-Banyuwangi Regency from March to April 2006. The Objectives of the research were to study about the productivity of Rambon cattle throughout the production and reproduction performance. Fifty nine farmers who keep 126 head of Rambon cattle were selected and interviewed using purposive sampling method. Descriptive and statistical analyses were applied to the data available. It was found that the composition percentage of bull and steer were 20,63 and 79,37 percent; the birth percentage of the cattle was 22,81% while the mortality was 0,79%; natural increase was 23,02%; the percentage of mutation including inside and outside research area were 29,37% and 19,05% gradually; the first age for mating was 24,80 ± 2,21 year; service per conception toward natural mating, artificial insemination and combination of both were 11,68 ± 0,95; 1,50 ± 0,65 and 1,40 ± 0,89; calving interval was 12,38 ± 0,59 month; estrus post partum was 60,25 ± 5,66 days; service post partum was 84,48 ± 7,96 days. Based on the statements above, the conclusion of the study state that the productivity of Rambon cattle was good. From the study, in order to increase the calf harvest, it is suggested to pay more attention to the reproduction management, especially the productive cows by increasing natality. Key words: Productivity, Rambon Cattle