BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2024)
Breeding of whitefish Coregonus Lavaretus L. at the Knyazhegubsky fish hatchery
The article describes whitefish Coregonus lavaretus L., 1758 (Baltic environmental type) breeding results at the Knyazhegubsky fish hatchery (Murmansk region, Russia). Since 2017, the major goal of this fish hatchery has been the breeding of freshwater type of whitefish. Technology for whitefish breeding was tested in 2018-2019. A number of problems encountered by fish breeders were identified. Live fertilized Baltic whitefish eggs at the “eye pigmentation” phase are purchased every year from OOO “Forvat” fish farm (Sosnovo settlement, Priozersky district, Leningrad region, Russia) and transported to the Knyazhegubsky fish hatchery. Major fish-farming activities subsequently performed at the fish hatchery include: eggs incubation in Weiss machines, summer and winter rearing of juveniles in rearing facilities, in trout ditches, and at equipped summer site as well as release of young whitefish aged under one year into the Kovdozerskoe water reservoir. The average mass of a single young fish in the first batch released in 2019 was 0.5 grams. Juvenile fish is available for release on a partial basis into water bodies of the Murmansk region for fish-stocking purposes under contracts with business entities. Currently, technology is being worked on for rearing and formation of the breeding stock. In general, the results of the work performed indicate that Baltic whitefish (freshwater type) rearing conditions at the Knyazhegubsky fish hatchery are favorable.