Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (Aug 2022)

Introducing SlideforMAP: a probabilistic finite slope approach for modelling shallow-landslide probability in forested situations

  • F. B. van Zadelhoff,
  • A. Albaba,
  • D. Cohen,
  • C. Phillips,
  • B. Schaefli,
  • L. Dorren,
  • L. Dorren,
  • M. Schwarz,
  • M. Schwarz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22
pp. 2611 – 2635


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Shallow landslides pose a risk to infrastructure and residential areas. Therefore, we developed SlideforMAP, a probabilistic model that allows for a regional assessment of shallow-landslide probability while considering the effect of different scenarios of forest cover, forest management and rainfall intensity. SlideforMAP uses a probabilistic approach by distributing hypothetical landslides to uniformly randomized coordinates in a 2D space. The surface areas for these hypothetical landslides are derived from a distribution function calibrated on observed events. For each generated landslide, SlideforMAP calculates a factor of safety using the limit equilibrium approach. Relevant soil parameters are assigned to the generated landslides from log-normal distributions based on mean and standard deviation values representative of the study area. The computation of the degree of soil saturation is implemented using a stationary flow approach and the topographic wetness index. The root reinforcement is computed by root proximity and root strength derived from single-tree-detection data. The ratio of unstable landslides to the number of generated landslides, per raster cell, is calculated and used as an index for landslide probability. We performed a calibration of SlideforMAP for three test areas in Switzerland with a reliable landslide inventory by randomly generating 1000 combinations of model parameters and then maximizing the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operation curve. The test areas are located in mountainous areas ranging from 0.5–7.5 km2 with mean slope gradients from 18–28∘. The density of inventoried historical landslides varies from 5–59 slides km−2. AUC values between 0.64 and 0.93 with the implementation of single-tree detection indicated a good model performance. A qualitative sensitivity analysis indicated that the most relevant parameters for accurate modelling of shallow-landslide probability are the soil thickness, soil cohesion and the precipitation intensity / transmissivity ratio. Furthermore, we show that the inclusion of single-tree detection improves overall model performance compared to assumptions of uniform vegetation. In conclusion, our study shows that the approach used in SlideforMAP can reproduce observed shallow-landslide occurrence at a catchment scale.