Forum: Qualitative Social Research (Sep 2004)

Ron Chenail: The Future Is Here; It Is Just Not Widely Distributed Yet"—Adapted from William Gibson

  • Marilyn Lichtman

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 3


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CHENAIL and LICHTMAN explore how the field of qualitative research has developed in the United States since the early 1990s. CHENAIL characterizes himself as a generic qualitative re­searcher rather than a designer qualitative re­searcher. We reminisce about how qualitative re­search has become an accepted form of con­ducting research in many disciplines, including family therapy, education, nursing, and business; we talk about how we were barely heard in those early days. CHENAIL discusses some of the new ideas in qualitative research such as ZALTMAN's metaphor elicitation technique, MISHLER's exem­plars, and a combination industrial--amusement research park. As the Editor and driving force of The Qualitative Report, CHENAIL's contributions are substantial and far-reaching. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0403113
