AIP Advances (May 2022)

Epitaxial growth of β-Ga2O3 by hot-wall MOCVD

  • Daniela Gogova,
  • Misagh Ghezellou,
  • Dat Q. Tran,
  • Steffen Richter,
  • Alexis Papamichail,
  • Jawad ul Hassan,
  • Axel R. Persson,
  • Per O. Å. Persson,
  • Olof Kordina,
  • Bo Monemar,
  • Matthew Hilfiker,
  • Mathias Schubert,
  • Plamen P. Paskov,
  • Vanya Darakchieva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 5
pp. 055022 – 055022-7


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The hot-wall metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) concept, previously shown to enable superior material quality and high performance devices based on wide bandgap semiconductors, such as Ga(Al)N and SiC, has been applied to the epitaxial growth of β-Ga2O3. Epitaxial β-Ga2O3 layers at high growth rates (above 1 μm/h), at low reagent flows, and at reduced growth temperatures (740 °C) are demonstrated. A high crystalline quality epitaxial material on a c-plane sapphire substrate is attained as corroborated by a combination of x-ray diffraction, high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy, and spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements. The hot-wall MOCVD process is transferred to homoepitaxy, and single-crystalline homoepitaxial β-Ga2O3 layers are demonstrated with a 2̄01 rocking curve width of 118 arc sec, which is comparable to those of the edge-defined film-fed grown (2̄01) β-Ga2O3 substrates, indicative of similar dislocation densities for epilayers and substrates. Hence, hot-wall MOCVD is proposed as a prospective growth method to be further explored for the fabrication of β-Ga2O3.