Научный диалог (Sep 2019)
Personal Name as Anthroponymic Presentation of Person in Karelian Documents of the 15<sup>th</sup>-17<sup>th</sup> Centuries
Rarely raised in the works on onomastics the question of the functioning of anthroponymic units - calendar and non-calendar personal names recorded in the Karelian official written monuments of the 15th-17th centuries, heterogeneous in terms of genre. From the functional point of view the author analyzes the composition of the regional name collection and nominative variants, the abundance of which in the regional written sources of the pre-national period is explained by the lack of a single, strict norm in the representation of a person at the specified time. It is proved that the complete picture of the onomastic system can be folded using the data of documents of different genres. However, due to the specifics of each of them, the repertoire is more fully represented in the official and business writing, and nominative variation - in the Acts narratives, including various individual nominations of one person: full (Church and worldly) personal names and ones modified from full and truncated, abbreviated forms. Particular attention is paid to anthropoformants, creating a variety of individual human nominations, fixation of which is associated with the functioning of such forms in the spoken language, the implicit representative of which were the texts of official documents. It is emphasized that some formants are attached to the names of certain social groups of persons (Church officials, Zemstvo officials, women, etc.), as well as territorial, temporary binding of modifiers with certain suffixes to a certain territory and a certain time.