Scholaria: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Jan 2024)
Pelaksanaan Diagnostik Kesulitan Belajar Peserta Didik oleh Guru SD di Kota Salatiga
Elementary school students who experience learning difficulties need help from teachers because it disrupts the learning process and affects learning success. This research is in the form of descriptive research with the aim of describing the implementation of diagnostics for learning difficulties by teachers. The subjects in the research were 23 elementary school teachers spread across four sub-districts of the city of Salatiga, both public and private elementary schools. The variable of this research is the implementation of the diagnosis of students' learning difficulties by elementary school teachers. This research method is in the form of a survey, collecting data on the implementation of the diagnosis of learning difficulties for elementary school students in the city of Salatiga. Data collection used a questionnaire supplemented by interviews. The analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative. The research results found that all teachers had carried out diagnostics for learning difficulties, and there were always students who experienced learning difficulties. Students' learning difficulties are more related to academic activities. Diagnostics of learning difficulties is carried out at the end of learning, using observation and learning results tests, as well as interview guides. The learning difficulties experienced by students in elementary school are predominantly in the form of Mathematics and Indonesian language subjects. Almost all teachers identify students' learning difficulties and determine the factors that cause their learning difficulties. The assistance provided by teachers to deal with students' learning difficulties generally takes the form of assisting students' learning and providing additional study time (tutoring) to students, as well as providing advice or referrals to parents to consult with experts. Barriers to carrying out diagnostics for learning difficulties in general are that complete diagnostic instruments for learning difficulties are not yet available, and teachers are not yet skilled in using diagnostic instruments for learning difficulties.