Praktyka Teoretyczna (Jan 2011)
Post-structuralist discourse theory and empirical social research
Discourse Theory is a heterogeneous ensemble of approaches, which have recently brought some refreshment in the social and political sciences. Although it offers a kind of social ontology based on post-structuralist approach towards language and discourse, it does not provide with a given methodology, ready to use in empirical research. Hitherto prevailing researches have rather looked for empirical exemplifications of the assumed theory, than made their referential strategy clear and convincing. Therefore, an effort of supplementing the theoretical and methodological matrix with some definite research techniques, seems substantial. A more empirically oriented discourse research approaches as Critical Discourse Analysis or even lexicometrical research can be here of a great value. Although a significant differences in ontological assumptions can be observed, a combined research strategies, enabling well proved empirical research appear not impossible to work out and successfully utilise.