Jurnal Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Apr 2020)
Penurunan Kadar Fosfat Air Limbah Laundry Menggunakan Kolom Adsorpsi Media Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)
ABSTRAK Penggunaan deterjen dalam laundry yang meningkat seiring perubahan gaya hidup dan sosial-ekonomi menghasilkan limbah laundry yang dapat menimbulkan dampak pencemaran air akibat berlebihnya kadar fosfat di perairan. Metode kolom adsorpsi merupakan salah satu cara mengolah air limbah laundry. Penelitian dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi aliran, waktu dan kolom terhadap suhu, pH, warna dan konsentrasi fosfat; serta mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi granular activated carbon (GAC) berbahan dasar tempurung kelapa dalam kolom terhadap removal fosfat. Kolom adsorpsi dijalankan dengan aliran non-sirkulasi (NS) dan sirkulasi (S). Media adsorpsi adalah GAC 4x8 mesh (11.3 mm2) 200 gram (K1); GAC 4x8 mesh 300 gram (K2); GAC 6x12 mesh (5.6 mm2) 200 gram (K3) dan; GAC 6x12 mesh 300 gram (K4). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan setiap 60 menit sekali selama 3 jam. Peningkatan suhu terjadi pada kolom NS dan penurunan suhu terjadi pada kolom S saat waktu retensi 60-180 menit. Penurunan pH terjadi pada semua kolom dengan semua jenis aliran selama proses. Warna air meningkat pada waktu retensi 180 menit, dimana warna air berubah dari gelap menjadi transparan. Peningkatan konsentrasi fosfat terjadi pada kolom NS dan penurunan konsentrasi fosfat terjadi pada kolom S saat waktu retensi 60-180 menit. Kolom terbaik dalam menyisihkan fosfat adalah kolom K4 dimana mampu menghilangkan kadar fosfat sebanyak 70.79 – 74.68%. Konsentrasi fosfat berkorelasi positif sedang (R2 = 0.49) terhadap suhu dan berkorelasi positif lemah (R2 = 0.14) terhadap pH selama proses. Kata Kunci : non sirkulasi, sirkulasi, tempurung kelapa, warna air limbah laundry ABSTRACT Economic growth leads to the development of a community lifestyle, one of that is a frequent community of changing clothes. The number of one person laundry per week is approximately 6 kg (Faaij et al, 2002). The use of detergent produces laundry waste that can cause water pollution impact due to excessive levels of phosphate in the water. The method of adsorption column is one of the ways to process laundry wastewater. Research is conducted to determine the influence of variations in flow, time and column against temperature, pH, color and phosphate concentrations; and know the influence of granular activated carbon (GAC) based coconut shell in the column against phosphate removal. The adsorption field is executed with a non-circulatory (NS) and a circulation (S) flow. Media adsorption is GAC (11.3 mm2) 200 grams (K1); GAC 4x8 mesh 300 grams (K2); GAC 6x12 Mesh (5.6 mm2) 200 grams (K3) and; GAC 6x12 mesh 300 grams (K4). Sampling is conducted every 60 minutes once for 3 hours. The temperature increase occurs in the NS column and the temperature drop occurs on the S column when the retention time is 60-180 minutes. A decrease in pH occurs on all columns with all types of streams during the process. The water color increases at a retention time of 180 minutes, where the water colour changes from dark to transparent. Increased phosphate concentrations occurred in the NS column and decreased phosphate concentration occurred on the S column when the retention time was 60-180 minutes. The best column in removing phosphate is column K4 where it is able to remove phosphate level as much as 70.79 – 74.68%. Phosphoric concentrations correlated positively (R2 = 0.49) to temperature and correlated positively weak (R2 = 0.14) against pH during the process. Keywords : Non circulation, circulation, coconut shell, color of laundry wastewater