Slovenska Literatura (Oct 2009)

Emil Boleslav Lukáč

  • Michal Habaj

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 56, no. 5
pp. 381 – 394


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The aim of the study is to determine basic semantically –aesthetic coordinates of the Emil Boleslav Lukáč´s debut Spoveď (Confession,1922) and search topoi of home in the context of his collections of poems Dunaj a Seina (Danube and Seina,1925) and Spoveď (Confession, 1929). In the same year as the debut by E. B. Lukáč Spoveď(Confession) a debut of Ján Smrek Odsúdený k večitej žízni (Sentenced to Eternal Thirst) was published. Both collections of poems are influenced in significant measure by a poetics of symbolism and decadence. Similarity of them is not determined only by aesthetic, thematic, stylistic levels but it overlaps the level of composition. There are common semantic gestures in the cycles of both of the publications. They come through the similar transformation and vary identical auctorial stylisations. In the second part of the study we deal with topoi of home in the context of z collections of poems Dunaj a Seina (Danube and Seina) and Spoveď (Confession). There is an evident shift from intimate boarders to cultural, national and political boarders. Both categories are connected through the category of regional and the co-part in complexness and compactness of Lukáč´s poetic world. In the centre of it there is an idea of home as fundamental ethic value of his poetry. The last level of his poetic model of the world is always represented by theological, respectively cosmological level. It is true also for the collection of poems representing secular, respectively civil pole of Lukáč´s work. The study contributed in primary identification of common starting points of two later periods characterized by two differently polarized poetic concepts of Smrek and Lukáč, as well as in specification of several aesthetically semantic residua connected with topoi of home in the context of chosen Lukáč´s collections of poems.
