Научно-технические ведомости СПбГПУ: Экономические науки (Oct 2021)

Transformation of migration processes in Russia in the context of a pandemic: administrative, legal and economic aspects

  • Petrova Olesya,
  • Litvinenko Aleksandr

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 5


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The Coronacrisis-2020, which is rapidly gaining momentum, contributed to the aggravation of migration problems, the settlement of which could not be imagined without the intervention of the state and the introduction of additional socially oriented measures aimed at stabilizing the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the country and abroad. In this study, the authors consider the transformation of migration processes in the context of two directions: administrative and legal and economic. The administrative and legal transformation of migration processes is directly related to their regulatory and legal support aimed at regulating the legal situation of external migrants in Russia, as well as the implementation by executive authorities of the administrative function to prevent cases of violations of the norms of migration legislation. In turn, the economic transformation of migration processes during the Coronacrisis-2020 is due to the unstable situation on the Russian labor market, accompanied by a steady decline in demand for labor, a deterioration in the economic situation of economic entities, which, in turn, leads to an imbalance of labor resources and an increase in unemployment in certain sectors of the economy. This article also raises the problem of the impact of restrictive measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection on the current migration situation in Russia. Within the framework of the study, the authors assessed the degree of legal and labor legalization of external labor migrants in connection with the introduction of temporary measures to regulate the legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation due to the threat of further spread of COVID-19. A comparative analysis of some indicators of the migration situation in Russia is carried out, including the number of illegal migrants with an unregulated labor status residing in Russia during the Coronacrisis. This article defines and calculates indicators for the main types of administrative offenses in the field of ensuring the regime of stay of foreign citizens and stateless persons, and also assesses the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in identifying violations of the norms of the current administrative legislation in the field of migration.
